How this Program Works


Your online program content is broken into 12 Modules. The program is designed to be worked through over the span of 12 weeks, however you can easily increase or decrease that time in accordance with your schedule. If you have a full 12 weeks to study, then each module represents one week (e.g. Module 1 is the content for week 1, Module 2 for week 2, etc).

Regardless of your schedule and timing, it is recommended that you move through the online content in order and without skipping ahead. All of the modules are available from the time you sign up, but keep in mind the program content is designed to build on itself.

However, it is highly recommended that you continuously go back to previous modular content as you progress through the program. You'll learn that one of the key components is repetition. You should be repeating the process for how to think. It is less about repeating reading or content information, and more about repeating how to think through the content and questions.

We build in review time for you, but the more you can do it, the better.



Each module will have both short informational videos (10 minutes or less) and full video webinars (1 hour or less). The videos are the "meat" of the program. Best practice is to watch the videos and read the lesson blogs. This enables you to receive the information in varying styles with built-in repetition.

Quick TIP:

Learning styles are actually a myth!

Absorb the material in multiple ways because it makes your brain work harder. If you generally aren't very good at listening to audio, listen anyway to an NPTE podcast because your brain will digest the material in a different way (with different neural avenues) than if you were to only read the information.

Once you review the content for that module, you will IMMEDIATELY apply the knowledge to NPTAE-style questions. This is the heart of the program because it is this step that truly allows you to learn how to take the test (rather than just memorize information).

It will become apparent that the content information presented stays very basic. This is because that is what the NPTAE will test you on! You do not need a ton of information. You need basic fundamentals that you can apply to each and every question. Even if it feels too basic, don't skimp over any of the information!

It is the KEY to your success.

Takeaway Message:

Videos are the MEAT of the structured information. Lesson blogs are the supporting scaffold to this meat.

Learning to implement your information into NPTAE questions is the HEART of the program (and your test).

The basic, fundamental physical therapy concepts are the KEY to applying the information to the test and succeeding.


Each module contains highly specific assignments.

Best practice is to look through each assignment at the beginning of the module to gain an understanding of the covered material. However, do not rush to do the assignments! Take your time and try to do them in alignment with the same content from the webinars, blogs, and online program content. (For example, if we discussed MSK Diagnoses in the video webinar, take a look at that assignment and corresponding lesson).

Don't forget that the assignments review a lot of the basic and fundamental physical therapy information for a reason. A majority of this information is passed over much too quickly in PT and PTA school, undermining your ability to apply the simple information to the NPTAE.

It is imperative to review this information and to keep it at the forefront of your mind for the test.

By the way...

...answer keys exist for all assignments!

This is in an effort to assist you in the best possible way to know and learn the basic and fundamental information for the test. Use them wisely.

You get what you put into it. It goes without saying, but do the entire assignment BEFORE you review the answer key! When you do the assignment, don't skip questions!

When you do the assignment DO NOT skip questions!

Instead, write down ANY guess that you have. If you seriously do not even have a guess, then write down a question that you want answered in order to help you answer the assignment question. Think about what is blocking you from even putting a guess. Then write that down and write down a follow-up question.


The schedule will have suggestions as to when to take your quizzes and practice examinations. We strongly encourage you to purchase the PEAT examination. There really are no substitutes for this examination and its wording.

It is the ONLY practice test available that is written by the people that wrote the NPTAE!

When you purchase the PEAT, you always get two examinations. If you have previously purchased the PEAT examinations, you might be eligible to purchase another round that you have not yet seen. It also depends when you last purchased the PEAT as they are regularly updated.

We strongly encourage you to purchase the PEAT examination!

(Even if you already have before).****

**** Even if you have purchased all previous and available versions of the PEAT examinations, the value and importance that they play into your NPTAE strategy and our course curriculum cannot be overstated. We still encourage you to purchase these examinations.

That being said, you may substitute a different practice examination for the PEAT. Please ask for recommendations if you would like them.

Otherwise, there are multiple quizzes throughout the program. The main point of these quizzes are to practice your strategies. You will learn a different way to think and therefore you need to practice it.

Of course we want you to get as many correct as you can, but that is not the overall point of these quizzes. Keep this in mind when you take these quizzes and do your best to apply your strategies rather than worry about timing or the total amount of correct questions.

Takeaway Message:

If you consistently apply what you learn and trust the process, progress will come!


As part of this program, you have access to the NPTE Summiters Community. This is the place to ask questions of your fellow students, talk about what you're learning, network, and more. To learn more, see the NPTE Summiters Community lesson at the end of the Welcome and Introduction Module.


I'm having technical difficulties and need help. What do I do?

You can post your question in the NPTE Summiters Community to see if anyone else has experienced the same issue. You can also email us at [email protected]. Expect a response within 48 hours. If you haven't heard by then, please send the email again in case it became lost!

Can I do this program if I don't stick to a 12-week schedule?


You can speed up the program if you have less than 12 weeks. You can certainly move through more than one module per week. The best way to do this is to take your time within the first four modules. These modules present a significant amount of the most important information, therefore absorb all you can with these modules, even if you initially move more slowly, completing one module per week for Modules 1-4.

The later modules are best to complete more than one module in a week. Also, if you have strengths in one particular area, defer modules, webinars, and blogs that pertain to that content and concentrate on the areas that you struggle with. Put the most efforts towards mastering musculoskeletal and neuromuscular content if you are tight on time. These are the most valuable categories on the entire NPTAE! If you can master these, it is easier to master the test.

On the other hand, if you have more than 12 weeks, you can also take full advantage of the program! To keep yourself on task, try to complete the modules weekly (as they were designed), but then plan to go back and review more frequently with your extra time. A good idea is to complete the first four modules "on schedule", then go back and review this critical information by inserting it every other week into the rest of the modules. This will depend on how many weeks you have to work with, but build in as much review as you can.

How long will I have access to the course?

You'll continue to have access to the Ultimate Ascent Mentoring Program and the NPTE Summiters Community for 12 months from the date of purchase. 

I found a mistake on one of the assignments (or quizzes). Where can I ask for clarification and/or report this?

Thank you for finding our mistakes!

Please email [email protected] to report a mistake to be fixed and to ask any questions that you need assistance with due to the mistake. If you haven't heard by then, please send the email again in case it became lost!

What if I need more help?

If you want more one-on-one help, you can sign up for mentoring sessions with Dr. Jace Sattler. These sessions occur online over video conferencing and are each one hour long. Please email [email protected] to enquire about these mentoring sessions.

Webinar Highlights

  • Please ensure your email is up to date and that you check it regularly! This is the PRIMARY form of communication for the course.
    • Therefore, please make sure the following email address is added to your contacts: [email protected]

  • Please post in the group forum and introduce yourself! You'd be amazed how small the group is.

  • Start working on your "SMART" goals. Some examples are attached to give you inspiration. (Download for better visual quality).

Complete and Continue